Victorians can contribute to a strategy being developed by Tourism Victoria, Parks Victoria and the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE)to which they have all committed funding for a two year period.
While Victoria’s national parks etc attract good visitor numbers, the State could do more to capture economic yield from these visitors and still ensure a viable and environmentally sustainable industry. To be considered:
(1)Actions for all of the nature-based tourism segments including ecotourism, adventure tourism, indigenous tourism and trails plus the linking of nature-based tourism with other tourism sectors: cultural, food and wine, heritage and touring.
(2)Key objectives: encouraging private-sector investment in nature-based tourism infrastructure and product development, ensuring stakeholder ‘buy-in’ to the strategy and ensuring integration with other key tourism and land management plans and strategies.
(3)Industry involvement in developing the plan. The official launch and the first industry workshop took place at the Victorian Adventure Tourism Forum in Mansfield on 31 May. This will be followed by a series of regional workshops.
Sean Daugherty, Senior Marketing Officer Nature-Based Tourism
Ph: 03 9653 9786.