Two Launceston businesses employ & train people with a disability
In Tassie, Choice Employment runs a bakery, ‘Big Bickies’ and ‘the Queen Vic Cafe Choice (at the Queen Vic Museum and Art Gallery) as well as being a provider in the Federal Government’s Disability Employment Network (DEN).
At Choice they take care to properly assess individuals’ support needs and work requirements and run both businesses under award-based conditions and mental health specialists have recognised the benefits they provide to people who then go on to ‘open employment’.
Choice recently helped Tamar Valley Dairy to find staff and placed 12 clients (out of a total workforce of only 36) with the dairy. Choice manages a casual labour-hire service to increase the number of job opportunities for their clients, and at the same time provide another affordable and flexible recruiting option for employers.
By treating their clients with a positive attitude, and by looking for options that suit each individual’s needs, staff at Choice Employment are able to deliver realistic employment outcomes that they have developed through creative thinking and a determined approach.
Well done Choice!