Lisa Aldenhoven, Recruitment Manager with Open Mind, is looking for people who have arrived in Australia within the past four years as skilled migrants.
This particular project, now in its second phase, is looking at ways to communicate health care benefits to new migrants. They will be holding several groups next week.
Lisa needs five people for each group. They should have a reasonable command of English and be aged between 20 – 35. The groups will run for an hour and a half and people will be paid $60 cash for their time.
Non English Speaking Background – SKILLED MIGRANTS
1. Speak Hindi (India)
Mon 26th @ 6pm
2. Speak Chinese* (Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia)
Mon 26th @ 7.30pm
3. Speak Indonesian (Indonesia)
Tues 27th @ 6pm
4. Speak Korean (Korea)
Tues 27th @ 7.30pm
5. Speak Tamil (Sri Lanka)
Wed 28th @ 6pm
6. Speak Tagalog (Phillipino)
Wed 28th @ 7.30pm
*may be Cantonese or Mandarin speaking but must be able to understand written simplified Chinese
Groups 1, 2, 5 & 6 will be at Open Mind (68, Drummond Street, Carlton)
Groups 3 & 4 will be at a location convenient to the majority of the group.
Lisa may be contacted on E:; T: 03 9527 3737;
M: 0407 66 36 94.