Cate Blanchett is the NO 1 Member of Who On Earth Cares?, an initiative of the Australian Conservation Foundation, who say it’s up to all of us – individuals, business and government – to act quickly and ensure we protect this wonderful country for our kids and their kids.
The aim is to bring together Australians from all walks of life concerned about climate change and who want Australia to reduce its greenhouse pollution. By becoming a member and ‘putting yourself on your local map’, AND writing a letter to your local pollie, you join a growing band of Australians who are prepared to show they care.
You go to the website and in a few minutes you can ‘place’ yourself on a map of Australia, as well as leave details for others to see why you care and what steps you are taking at home to reduce your impact on the environment.
Based on the answers you give, you can generate a simple, personalised letter to send off to your local political representative about why you want leadership on climate change. You can then tell your friends to participate and return to the map to see your profile as well as check out other people in your area who care.
Cate’s message is:
“I care about climate change because of our children. I want to safeguard their future. It is a situation that affects each and every one of us, in this country and around the world. It is an inescapable problem. A common link we share. It is a crisis that provides us with an opportunity to change for the better. To change the way we consume, the way we think and the way we behave. By assuming responsibility we protect, and respect the generations behind us.
How concerned are you about climate change?The extremities in our climate will increasingly worsen unless we act immediately on a personal and political level. Changes are as simple as using less water, and as complex and vital as the Australian Government ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.
To reduce my greenhouse pollution, I have personally committed to:* Switch my household power supply to accredited GreenPower
* Install a water efficient shower head
* Set my washing machine to wash my clothes in cold water
* Check and install adequate roof insulation
* Avoid one domestic air flight this year and purchase carbon offsets
* Drive 20 kilometres less each week
* Reduce my household electricity and gas usage by 20%
* Install a solar hot water heaterI want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia, where we harness our greatest natural resources; sun, wind and brain power.”