A frustrated reader passionate about leaking taps/toilets – in essence, the mis-use of water – in public buildings/places and the need for a bit of common sense, communication and coordination, has emailed us saying:
“How many times do you go into a public toilet, or public area where water is literally running away!!!! If I had enough money I would employ a permanent plumber to travel through Oz fixing taps, and charging Councils for repairs. Please ask your people to report Council mis-use of water Our local Council had the watering system on a timer, for the grass (and it was pouring rain). A thinking, passing plumber disconnected it… Great.”
I’m presuming all councils have a maintenance department/contractor, and that they are contactable by phone.
WHAT IF a simple contact number for this maintenance contractor were published on all council invoices/letters to residents as well as being displayed prominently in public facilities? This would be a welcome and practical addition to the fine sounding words on sustainability that appear in planning documents.
NB I googled ‘local government and leaking taps’ and found all sorts of recommendations from councils for ratepayers to check and fix leaking taps, but nowhere did I find any info on what they do for taps and toilets in council buildings, or for taps/toilets/sprinklers at outdoor venues.
What does YOUR local council do about this problem?