The Local Governments – Pathways to Sustainable Tourism program is a free, practical, self-guided OR facilitated workshop program now available to councils around Australia – developed by the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC).
It gives council staff, managers and elected representatives an understanding of a council’s role in supporting tourism development and management within the community. The program enables councils, local industry, the community and all the likely partners to identify and implement processes for sustainable tourism development. Basically the program leads an informed community-wide conversation ahead of the development of tourism strategies.
Councils can use the program materials to run the one and a half day workshop themselves, they can employ a facilitator of their choice, or the STCRC subsidiary company EC3 can be contracted to run a specialised workshop.
Queensland’s Ipswich City Council has partnered with STCRC to pilot the Pathways program. The Council’s Tourism and Libraries Chairperson, Councillor David Pahlke says:
“Ipswich City Council is very aware of taking a hands-on approach to tourism planning and development, and we have found that the Pathways program has been very valuable in identifying and confirming roles and responsibilities for council and industry..
The practical nature of the workshops and the quality support material made for a very straightforward and focussed process which has helped to identify our priorities.”
For some excellent info sheets click here.
For further information on the Pathways program you can contact Andrew Sivijs, Industry Extension Manager, STCRC on 07 5552 8221 or mobile 0447 747 253. Andrew can also be reached on email
Worth checking out.