Georgie Coram, Community Campaigner with Environment Victoria – a Not-for-Profit – is working with communities, businesses and government on their Zero Waste Campaign. This Challenge is open to individuals and families, it could run successfully through Neighbourhood Houses and would be a great tool for school groups. Georgie is passionate about this and says it’s a fun, informative way to critically assess your consumption and waste behaviours.
In Victoria we are choking on the 10 million tonnes of waste produced each year. Are we any worse than other States/Territories, I wonder?
It’s divided into two weeks, so you can pick a two week period that suits and it deals with:
Week 1:
Easy – decide ‘who’s in’ and just start thinking about your current waste and consumption practices.
Week 2:
Why not check out Georgie’s latest info here and get team together and let us know what discoveries you make?
You can contact Georgie:
Phone – 9341 8164 or
Email –