The Australia Institute (TAI) is an independent Think Tank. It aims to push public debate beyond the simplistic question of whether markets or governments have all the answers to more important questions:
TAI is funded by memberships, donations from philanthropic trusts and individuals, and commissioned research.
A fortnight ago a donor pledged $20,000 to TAI if they could match it.
They have managed to raise nearly $16,000 and now have 6 days to raise $4,000 to turn $20,000 into $40,000.
Can you help? You can donate here.
Executive Director Richard Denniss spoke to Fran Kelly on Radio National Breakfast this morning about our new research which found there are enormous benefits for customers who switch to a co-op or mutual for their home loan, insurance, superannuation or if they want guaranteed access to doctors who bulk bill.
Richard also spoke to The World Today, ABC 702 Sydney, ABC 666 Canberra, 2CC, The Canberra Times and the Financial Review reported our finding that home owners could save $76,000 over the life of an average mortgage by switching to a mutually owned bank, credit union or building society.
Tonight, 26 October, on Channel 7 News you’ll see David Richardson talking about the big four’s profits, or Richard on The Business at 8.30pm on ABC24 and 11.00pm on ABC1 discussing the relationship between government and big business.
A voice worth hearing