FYI GetUp is collecting signatures – to which you may choose to add yours – to support Indigenous people wanting to save their remote homelands.
They already have 1800 signatures and the number is growing.
The NT Government is planning to focus its funding on just 20 ‘growth towns’, leaving over 600 communities with very limited resources. It could mean people have to travel hundreds of kilometres to reach essential services.
A small group of homeland community leaders will meet the Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs 8 September. They want to present Minister Macklin with a large petition and a request for Federal funding.
The sustainability of the homelands communities depends on funding for basic services and infrastructure and the Federal budget process begins soon.
“Homelands are small remote communities where Indigenous Australians are living on land that has nourished their mothers and fathers for thousands of generations..
Homelands are important because they are safe places away from the violence and humbug (hassle) that exist in the cities and proposed ‘growth towns’. They are the only place traditional owners can appropriately practise their cultural responsibilities, as culture and language are interconnected with the specific stories of each landscape..
They are demonstrated success stories. Homelands mean better health and longer life expectancies. They are areas where locals are applying traditional knowledge to ‘care for country’ and tackle climate change through traditional burning techniques and carbon preservation. Plus they are the source of much of Australia’s beautiful Indigenous art..”
You can check out video clips about homelands life and sign the petition here.