The Tourism Satellite Accounts provide all states and territories with comprehensive data on the economic impacts of visitor expenditure on their economies.
The 2007-08: Summary Spreadsheets have just been released and are available free from the STCRC (Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Committee).
This research aims to help inform policy and planning initiatives for the three tiers of government and provide data for tourism industry representative bodies and tourism operators to support decisions in the areas of industry investment, advocacy, marketing, education and training.
The research is available for FREE download through the online bookshop. Links published in this alert will take you directly to the latest technical reports and their executive summaries.
To complement the Summary Spreadsheets, a simplified booklet The Economic Contribution of Tourism to Australian States and Territories 2007-08 has been developed. It presents an overview of the economic impacts of visitor expenditure on state and territory economies and can be downloaded here.