Four of Australia’s leading enviro groups are launching the Transition Decade at the Melbourne Town Hall, Sunday 14 February 2010.
The power of collaboration in the quest for a safe climate future has become evident and will be seen again at this mass rally/public meeting.
Cam Walker – National Liaison Officer for Friends of the Earth, Australia – is issuing an invitation to attend the launch. His email says
“The Transition Decade is a decade-long, community-wide engagement campaign which aims to build the momentum required to achieve the structural changes to the economy and lifestyles that are needed to restore a safe climate.
The campaign aims to help build greater collaboration and effectiveness among groups and individuals who are deeply concerned about the growing climate crisis.
We are convinced that many more people, businesses, and community groups will get actively involved in working on the climate issue if they see strong public evidence of collaboration between organisations already involved, and they can see real commitment to fully solving the climate problem.”
New members are welcomed to the core organising group.
The goal is to get 2,000 people to attend – You can reserve your seat, as places will be limited, at
There will be ‘inspiring presentations’, music, culture and arts and the opening address will be by the Governor of Victoria, Prof. David de Krestser.
Key note speakers include:
Date Sunday 14 February 2010 – 12.00 – 3.00pm
Venue Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Walk, Melbourne
Cost The event will be free but donations on the day to help cover costs would be appreciated.
Please pass this info on to your networks and watch this website for program details.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Donnie Maclurcan and grene, grene. grene said: RT @donmacca: Australia's '#transition decade' 2 be launched 14th Feb. in Melbourne #susty #eco #transitiontowns #p … […]
I thought it was auspicious that it was launched with a new Moon in Aquarious and start of Chinese New Year…
was that planned?