
March 2, 2010

Wide Range Of Tourism Research Info Available Online

The following publications are now available on the Tourism Research Australia website, Regional Tourism Employment in Australia, 2006-07 to 2008-09 International Visitor Survey (IVS) Produced quarterly, the IVS is Australia’s most comprehensive source of information on international visitors to […]
February 26, 2010

Climate Research Mess – Politics And Science Not A Good Mix

This so-o-o-o-o complex topic continues to confound. Today, as our federal government recognises that its support for solar roof panels is stopping the development of other renewables it is reported in London that “The two most influential advisory bodies on […]
February 18, 2010

LIVE At The Sustainable Living Festival

LIVE is an acronym for Locals Into Victoria’s Environment. This new community organisation is independent, non-partisan and non-profit, based in Melbourne’s City of Port Phillip. Several hundred LIVE Victorians want to address the detrimental human impacts on the planet. They […]
February 18, 2010

Black Saturday, One Year On, The Future

‘One Year On, The Future’, a documentary produced by Darren Lunny is well worth viewing. It is an excellent production and will take you 8 minutes x 4.
February 17, 2010

Website Info? Aboriginal Co-ops, Councils, Business Development..

Bryan Johnston is chasing info for a project he is developing – a website which is a major networking link for those interested in purchasing from, supporting, or learning more about aboriginal co-operatives or similar like-minded sustainable groups which either […]
February 17, 2010

Business Sustainability Roundtable: Copenhagen/Tony Abbott

Derek Winter of the Business Sustainability Roundtable has contacted us about a post Copenhagen debrief over lunch in Melbourne on Wednesday 24 February. He says: “Michelle Grattan summed up the Coalition’s policy response to climate change as a ‘loose political […]
February 17, 2010

Merino Wool, Nanotechnology, Sustainability Vs Landfill

New applications for wool and other natural fibres are expected from an international collaboration between Deakin University, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and Tufts University in the United States. This initiative recently received Australian Research Council Discovery […]
January 23, 2010

Sad Outcome For Murray River Regional Tourism Effort

Over the years we have published several of Shane Strudwick’s passionate tourism efforts eg SA Coorong And Lakes A National Disaster? Who Cares? Yesterday I received a disappointing and sad message to stakeholders and supporters of a recent tourism effort […]
January 23, 2010

Supermarket Clout In The Liquor Industry

Brad Wehr from WA’s Margaret River region is watching the supermarket duopoly and its impact on smaller businesses, and the public. He’s forwarded us
January 23, 2010

The Greens, Garnaut And The CPRS Deadlock

Bob Brown and Christine Milne of The Greens – have a ‘Garnautesque’ interim proposal to break the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) deadlock and get Australia actually acting on climate change. The Original Garnaut Proposal Professor Garnaut suggested we have […]
January 22, 2010

Affordable DIY Online Ticketing – TryBooking

Running an event of any sort is hard work and of course the ticketing is never easy. I recently discovered TryBooking, which has a community focus and offers sophisticated technology made simple, accessible and affordable. They have some great reviews. […]
January 21, 2010

Kids Behaving Selfishly, Violence, Contemporary Capitalism…Greed

In the face of horrific road incidents, public violence, rowdy parties and binge drinking, we are all wondering about our young people. What would the 18th century’s Adam Smith say about today’s market-driven individualism? Colin Long, Victorian Greens candidate, says […]