
May 21, 2009

Some Informed Views On Future Fields Of Employment

Jo Studdert’s article on ‘the resourceful use of energy’ to provide future employment makes interesting reading (Weekend Australian Saturday 16/5/2009 Page 6). As expected mining employment is set to fall sharply over the course of this year and is likely […]
May 18, 2009

Arnhem Weavers’ Workshops Leading To Financial Independence

PWF is pleased to pass on info about an Arnhem Weavers Tour: Two Way Developmental Tour 13-19 July 2009. Workshops are offered to people interested in the Yolgnu culture of North East Arnhem Land. The focus is textiles and English […]
May 18, 2009

Councils To Accelerate Transition Town Process In Victoria?

After wondering for some years why relocalisation and Transition Towns seem to cluster in Queensland I hear parts of Geelong are now involved AND that the Municipal Association Vic (MAV) is holding a public meeting to investigate the ‘building of […]
May 13, 2009

Accessible Tourism Around The World

The Australia For All Alliance has provided us with a list tourism providers who have placed their accessible accommodation and venues on the website. Accessible Venues Around The World Over the past months Australia For All has posted many […]
May 12, 2009

Grey Nomad Work Near Mildura And The Murray, Vic.

There is Grey Nomad work available at Ben Burn Organic Packers Pty Ltd in Irymple, NW Victoria, a 10 minute drive from Mildura and the Murray River. About Ben Burn The company is NASAA certified Organic and its Director/Owner is […]
May 12, 2009

Everyday Choices For Change: Swine Flu-Factory Farm Link?

The Ethical Consumer Group meets monthly in Melbourne to discuss aspects of living out sustainable alternatives in a consumerist culture over a BYO dinner and movie. This year the focus is on four themes: Equality & Enough Consumption & Waste […]
May 7, 2009

Big Ag’s Reaction To Michelle O’s Organic Garden The Start Of A REAL Discussion?

The American agribusiness lobby reaction to Michelle Obama’s decision to make her new White House vegetable garden entirely organic just might be opening up a community-wide discussion on how our crops are grown. America’s new First Lady has been asked […]
May 6, 2009

Recently Retired? Interested In Passing On Your Skills?

The Federal Government has a website that targets 13-19 year olds. It aims to help young people to move through school and into further, study, training or work parents to support and guide their children in career decision-making schools […]
April 29, 2009

Plantable Greeting Cards From A Young Entrepreneur

Young Sydneysider Caroni Joseph has had a wonderful eco-business idea – a very successful one – a selection of plantable greeting cards and wedding invitations (read it….plant it…watch it grow) plus a range organic body care products…her company’s mission statement […]
April 28, 2009

Fitted For Work: Donated Clothes, Friendly Advice On Jobseeking

How difficult is it looking for work when you’re female, single, newly arrived here or have been out of the workforce for years? On top of this you may not have the ‘right’ clothes and when it comes to that […]
April 27, 2009

Victoria’s First 6 Star Green Office Tenancy- What Are You Doing?

Umow Lai is an engineering services and sustainability consultancy and its South Yarra office fit out has just been awarded Victoria’s first 6 Star Green Office Interiors rating by the Green Building Council of Australia. The fit out shows green […]
April 24, 2009

WA Tourism Employers Wanted For Indigenous Employment Program

Tourism WA is looking for quality employers interested in joining the Aboriginal Employment Initiative – traineeships and cadetships are available where participants gain experience with some of tourism’s top organisations while getting paid. Traineeship Placements Needed There are nine highly […]