Victoria’s award-winning prevention and early intervention program Solving the Jigsaw picks up where society has failed. A Program For Teachers, Parents, Students By changing the culture of violence to one of well-being, Solving the Jigsaw helps Primary and Secondary kids […]
Farsighted community activists see BEYOND short-term politics and act accordingly, avoiding wasting precious funds as occurs when policies are imposed ‘top down’ without community involvement, understanding or acceptance. The Dialogue to Change program in disadvantaged country Victoria has helped Maryborough […]
“KIDS are the victims of a silly stand-off between government ministers…Country children are the innocent victims of an absurd political stand-off between Victorian Coalition Minister for Children Wendy Lovell and her federal Labor counterpart Kate Ellis.” Peter Hunt, The Weekly […]
Vale Ray Anderson. Ray was a sustainability maverick, often called “the greenest CEO in America for his crusade to turn his billion-dollar carpet company into an environmentally sustainable enterprise.” He died last week at his home in Atlanta, at 77. […]
The following email to PWF makes me wonder WHY we can’t get a measured discussion going on major issues like the carbon tax. WHAT is mainstream media delivering? WHERE is the Climate Commission? Surely complexity is a lame excuse? Tim […]
Dr Catherine Crock knows how scary hospitals can be for kids. For ten years she has worked at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) where she is in charge of the general anaesthesia list for painful procedures in children with cancer. […]
Giles Parkinson reports the following on Climate Spectator. “Hidden away in a government gazette this week was an announcement that China would introduce a national feed-in tariff for solar energy. It took a day or two for the significance to […]
Take five minutes to view this beautiful spectacle of amazing grace and physical prowess – I have never seen anything like it. The Great Chinese State Circus – Swan Lake Thanks Bruce for passing on the link.
On Friday 5 August cafes with a social conscience right around Australia – serving great coffee of course – will donate $1.00 per coffee sold to fund local projects to help homeless people. About This Project Taking place during National […]
Newspapers face both threats and opportunities from radio, TV and the internet. Nick Evershed writes that advertising revenue is falling and new ways of funding journalism are being sought. I certainly discern a sentiment ‘out there’ that there is not […]
Laura Farrant tries to incorporate her green living principles in every area of her life and has applied the following ideas in her own office, where she works on logo design. As a PWF guest writer, Laura shares her tips […]
PWF would like to congratulate two social enterprises commended in the NSW Government’s ‘Green Globe Awards’ – OzHarvest and Starfish. You can see all the winners here. OzHarvest Highly Commended In Waste And Recycling Category OzHarvest is a charitable organisation […]