Today the SMH reports on consumer power versus corporate power. The Berry Rural Co-operative Society, one of Australia’s smallest rural co-operatives producing fresh milk, is not suffering greatly from the supermarket milk price war. Why not? The coop’s South Coast […]
Village Futures Food newsletter this week quotes G Magazine saying: “the responsibility for quality produce and sustainable land care lies not only with the farmers, but with us as consumers as well”. We ARE Part Of Our Future Recently political/economic […]
‘What does it take to make democracy work?’ What has happened to the civic organisations where citizens could once go to address shared challenges? Do civic organisations know HOW to work with citizens today? The US Kettering Foundation is tackling […]
There was a social innovation Learning Festival in Melbourne in late February – based on a systemic approach not a ‘mechanistic mental model’ such as World Cafe and Open Space. A Power Camp And A Love Camp.. In Adam Kahane’s […]
As someone without a science background I was fascinated by the following article posted on Care2 – a website that connects activists from around the world. Jake Richardson writes: Dr. Sossina Haile and her colleagues at CalTech have created a […]
The Barefoot College, founded in 1972 in India, combines traditional ‘barefoot’ knowledge and demystified modern skills, creating tools for people essentially ‘written off’ by urban society. The Barefoot College works with marginalized, exploited and impoverished rural poor, living on less […]
“Why do our attempts to deal with the challenges of our time so often fail? The cause of our collective failure is that we are blind to the deeper dimension of leadership and transformational change. This ‘blind spot’ exists not […]
The following guest post is written by Lloyd Burrell. He has a website that offers detailed reviews of modern home desks . He tries to practice what he preaches by keeping his home office as paperless as possible. Our offices, […]
In Belgrave, in the Dandenong ranges not far from Melbourne, 86 year old former service station owner John Novrotny is persevering with his affordable building revolution, despite a lack of support from the building industry and government. His innovative new […]
As we face higher food prices and food shortages after the devastating eastern Australian floods, Ella Linwood from Sustainable Maleny (Qld) has passed on the following worryingly informative article by Lester Brown, President of the Earth Policy Institute and author […]
Liz Page from Waratah Community Land Trust in Sydney and Phil Smith from Maleny (SE Qld) have been at an international conference on CLTs. Tomorrow night in Maleny they will screen a CLT film then discuss how this model might […]
In this last week Avaaz started an email campaign asking people to sign a petition to save the world’s bee population, which scientists believe is silently dying off. The email contained links to the articles below. Do These Titles Bother […]