
March 22, 2006

Latest on NT’s cane toad front

NT prisoners will make traps to ‘give something back’ Have you seen the ABC News Online reports about thousands of toads being killed by Humpty Doo, Palmerston and Howard Springs people as the toad front approaches Darwin? NT Frogwatch says […]
March 21, 2006

Fair Dinkum Foods Campaign continues ‘officially’

$3m for vegie industry longterm development & prosperity A new group chaired by Tasmanian Richard Bovill, organiser of the Fair Dinkum Foods Campaign, will draw together experience and expertise in the farming, retail, processing and wholesale/export sectors with: The group […]
March 21, 2006

Westpac launches an environmentally-linked term deposit

Westpac in partnership with Landcare Australia, launched a ‘unique’ new national term deposit in February. It allows customers to invest their funds in a way that helps the environment. The new term deposit has the same ‘features and rates’ as […]
March 15, 2006

Another good news Bank story!

Westpac launches an environmentally-linked term deposit I have just noticed that in February 06, Westpac in partnership with Landcare Australia, launched a?’unique’ new national term deposit that allows customers to invest their funds in a way that helps the environment. […]
March 10, 2006

In SA Trees for Life & the National Bank join forces

In SA the NAB & Trees for Life are?helping revegate the?Eyre Peninsula? There are so many really good collaborative efforts that I never seem to hear of?in the daily news services – I came across this one yesterday. Last year […]
February 22, 2006

Dick Smith deal to preserve historic Recherche Bay, Tasmania

A unique deal between Recherche Bay landowners, David and Rob Vernon, the State Government and entrepreneur, Dick Smith, has been agreed and the land will now ‘never be logged’. Environmental and local groups have been looking for such a solution […]
February 22, 2006

WE WERE WRONG Bulletin 46 RACV Human Powered Vehicle EnergyBreakthrough

Team Bukkamalazir’s 2005 performance of 651 laps (835 kms) beat Battered Sav’s 2001 record of 643 laps – in November 2005. Both teams from Bendigo Secondary College were competing in the Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) section of the 2005 RACV […]
February 22, 2006

‘Scary’ water shortages around Australia

The NSW Government has shelved its controversial desalination plant, planning to tap underground water, and next month Brisbane will commence drilling to try and tap groundwater below its streets to ease its growing water supply crisis. Southeast Queensland’s dams are […]
February 8, 2006

Can there be one voice for Mission Beach?

Why does a shire boundary divide the Mission Beach villages? “Mission Beach is cosmopolitan in its makeup. Nearly everyone comes here from somewhere else and we are all entranced by the natural beauty of our environment and the friendly community […]
February 7, 2006

An extreme January has Tanami Desert blooming

The NT’s January weather has set new climate records. Alice Springs has had its hottest January on record and to the north a tropical low pressure system has delivered heavy soaking. Even the desert is blooming and Rob Cook of […]
February 7, 2006

‘Battered Sav’s’ 2001 record stands in RACV EnergyBreakthrough

The RACV EnergyBreakthrough, an annual ‘human powered vehicle’ (HPV)24 hour event attracts hundreds of entries and thousands of visitors each year and is the highlight of the school calendar for participating schools across Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. The […]
January 27, 2006

Online again, green again!

Green + green = an easier conscience It’s good to be back online. We are in the Kinglake fire region and though we had power, we were offline most of the day. It was chilling to hear the wail of […]