
February 23, 2005

A ‘Green Reward’ tax rebate in Far North Queensland

Sanctuary Retreat ecotourism operators have received a ‘green reward’ for their continuing role in protecting a pristine rainforest corridor in Far North Queensland. Paul Verity and Susan Kelly of Mission Beach have been rewarded for their continuing conservation commitment at […]
February 9, 2005

Gunns’ lawsuit “bad for the environment, bad for Gunns & bad for its investors”

Gunns Limited is a Tasmanian sawmiller, woodchipper and manufacturer of timber building products. In 2004 it launched a $6.4m legal action that claims the Wilderness Society and others, including Greens Senator Bob Brown, the Huon Valley Environment Centre and Doctors […]
January 26, 2005

Shareholders’ email helps the Australian environment: www.eTree.com.au

Over 650 football fields of native forest, over 500,000 trees, are being replanted across Australia and New Zealand! This was part of the Christmas greeting from the eTree team – Landcare Australia, Computershare and eTree member companies – to shareholders […]
November 19, 2004

Tourism and Conservation Partnerships Initiative

Here is a Conservation Partnership initiative I saw in the ATC Newsletter, May 13th – it may be of interest to some! You can check it out at www.atc.australia.com/eweekly.asp ‘Expressions of Interest for funding under the Tourism and Conservation Partnership […]
November 18, 2004

Landcare, tourist brochures & www.etree.com.au

www.eTree.com.au is a coordinated attempt to encourage Australian shareholders to reduce mailouts by receiving annual reports and other communications via email. A Computershare study estimates that in Australia $300 million is spent on shareholder mailouts each year and a minimum […]
November 18, 2004

Like the ‘V’ light of the ibis it makes sense to work together.

Environmental groups, friends groups and occasional volunteers carry out the bulk of revegetation work in Wonthaggi’s recreation trails, wildlife corridors and waterways, writes Frank Coldebella (South Gippsland Conservation Society). The recent National Resources Report Card highlighted the environmental pressures of […]
November 12, 2004

First GREEN GLOBE tick in Australia for South West Vic Shires

‘Iconic reading’ is how Geelong Otway Tourism’s new Business Plan 2004-2007 is described by Www.newmatilda.com’s Gregory Day and, as of August 2004, this is the first regional tourism association in Australia to be benchmarked under the GREEN GLOBE 21 system. […]
August 30, 2004

Environmentally friendly accommodation & Green STARS

Green Globe 21 came out of the United Nations’ 1992 Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro where 182 Heads of State developed ‘Agenda 21’ based on the principles for Sustainable Development. It provides a pathway to sustainable travel and tourism […]