Food miles

March 29, 2010

Nillumbik Community Supported Agriculture Up And Running

A new business – Village Futures Food – linking food producers with consumers wanting to buy fresh, seasonal produce direct from farmers in their region, has been in operation for 5 weeks now – in a modest way. What Is […]
March 28, 2010

Relocalisation From A Slow Money Movement In The US?

“We must bring money back down to earth” says Woody Tasch on his Slow Money website. Last Century, Fast Money And NOW Woody continues saying: There is such a thing as money that is too fast, companies that are too […]
March 10, 2010

Transition Town Weekend Workshop: Beyond Oil Dependency

If you’re in Melbourne on the weekend of March 20-21, 2010, Transition Town Maroondah invites you to attend a workshop about creating a local sustainable community beyond oil dependency. Transition Town Maroondah (TTM) is a grassroots initiative working to make […]
February 18, 2010

LIVE At The Sustainable Living Festival

LIVE is an acronym for Locals Into Victoria’s Environment. This new community organisation is independent, non-partisan and non-profit, based in Melbourne’s City of Port Phillip. Several hundred LIVE Victorians want to address the detrimental human impacts on the planet. They […]
January 15, 2010

We Want To Know About Our Food

It seems we’re planning to eat ‘healthier’ in 2010, to look more closely at food labels and possibly visit more farmers’ markets. Research has found around 75% of Australians are aiming to maintain or improve their health – we’re ‘cocooning’. […]
November 10, 2009

Do WE Waste THAT Much Food?

‘Do Something‘ research reports that we throw out AT LEAST $5.2 billion worth of food from home every year. WHAT Are We Doing? Fruit and vegetables are tossed out most, then unfinished restaurant and takeaway meals and then fresh meat […]
November 10, 2009

Check Out Local Food Map Website

Recently launched, with the idea of promoting local food, is a website where people can search for food within a certain vicinity. The interest in local food really seems to be growing – whether for health, community support, or environmental […]
November 3, 2009

‘In Touch’ Maroondah To Hold Transition Town Info Night

Victoria’s Maroondah Council is responding to its community’s interest in Transition Towns – as have several other councils – with an Info Night Tuesday 10 November. What Are Tranbsition Towns? Maroondah describes this as: “a community based movement that seeks […]
November 3, 2009

Govt Food Dialogue & Four Weeks To Comment On Labelling

The independent publication Australian Food News reports that the Federal Government’s new Food and Health Dialogue will provide a ‘framework for government, health groups and industry to work collaboratively across the food supply chain to improve dietary intakes’. This Dialogue […]
September 9, 2009

Gippsland Says ‘Nurture The Land..Nourish The People’

There’ll be a one day – 6 October – Food Farming and Health Conference, an investigation into future farms and food chains at the Warragul Arts Centre, run by AgriBusiness Gippsland, in Victoria’s east, for an outlay of only $30 […]
August 26, 2009

Care To Comment On ‘No Reason To Kill GroceryChoice’?

A reader has alerted us to Choice Magazine’s passionate response from CEO Nick Stace to the decision of Craig Emerson, the Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affair’s to pull the grocery price comparison site – GroceryChoice – five days […]
August 4, 2009

Relocalisation Conference

More grassroots advocacy – this time from the third tier of government… A national conference ‘The Future is Relocalisation – Communities in Transition’ will be hosted by the Municipal Association of Victoria 8-9 September ’09. EVENT SUPPORTERS Bank of I.D.E.A.S. […]