Food miles

July 11, 2009

National Farmers’ Markets Conference August 09

We’re pleased to pass on info about the 3rd National Farmers’ Markets Conference to be held 22 – 24 August 2009 at Glen Erin, Romsey, in Victoria. One Decade On… Today there are over 120 across Australia and on the […]
June 16, 2009


Given our water problems, I found this Treehugger article informative, fascinating, frightening (?) More stuff to store at the back of the mind! Note: In general these figures come from (pdf file) and represent gallons of water consumed per […]
May 25, 2009

Relocalisation Taking Off? Visit

Once again – amazing. No sooner do I realise Victoria is getting into relocalisation and Transition Towns than I see Sydney is right into it too – and involving Robert Pekin of Brisbane’s successful Food Connect. The live local website […]
May 18, 2009

Councils To Accelerate Transition Town Process In Victoria?

After wondering for some years why relocalisation and Transition Towns seem to cluster in Queensland I hear parts of Geelong are now involved AND that the Municipal Association Vic (MAV) is holding a public meeting to investigate the ‘building of […]
May 12, 2009

Everyday Choices For Change: Swine Flu-Factory Farm Link?

The Ethical Consumer Group meets monthly in Melbourne to discuss aspects of living out sustainable alternatives in a consumerist culture over a BYO dinner and movie. This year the focus is on four themes: Equality & Enough Consumption & Waste […]
May 7, 2009

Big Ag’s Reaction To Michelle O’s Organic Garden The Start Of A REAL Discussion?

The American agribusiness lobby reaction to Michelle Obama’s decision to make her new White House vegetable garden entirely organic just might be opening up a community-wide discussion on how our crops are grown. America’s new First Lady has been asked […]
April 22, 2009

Australian Supermarkets’ Sustainability Well Behind UK’s Tesco?

Rachel Sullivan, writing for Ecos Magazine reports that Australian consumers are starting to understand the true cost of the food they buy…food miles is no longer a new concept, is it? Rachel cites Dr Bruce Lee of CSIRO’s Food Futures […]
April 5, 2009

Local Food: Permaculture Groups, Homegrown Food Swaps…

Don’t you just hate waste – especially when jobs are disappearing? The US Yes Magazine is currently talking about producing local food. I followed up some ideas and found some good local info about growing and sharing produce. Permaculture Groups […]
February 6, 2009

‘Sharing’ A Sustainability Issue – Melbourne Round Table and the Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab run regular Sustainable Cities Round Tables with speakers who provide three minute glimpses of what they are doing to create a sustainable Melbourne. These events are free but you must book. Sustainable Sharing – […]
January 19, 2009

A Permaculture Philosophy At Eltham College

I have recently learnt that Permaculture, a term coined in Australia in the 70s by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, is an approach to designing systems for human settlements that mimic the structure and interrelationship found in natural ecologies. Back […]
November 12, 2008

ESD-Concentrate Housing Near Transport Not Urban Fringes

Did you see the Business Age article ‘Who says it’s cheaper to build in Woop Woop?’ Professor Peter Newman of Perth’s Curtin Uni has research proving the failure of the ‘old’ economy’s fixation on cars and building on the edge […]
September 16, 2008

Ethical Eating Saves Money?

A reader has passed on this Sydney Morning Herald article about a new book on vegetarianism and the good environmental reasons that go with this lifestyle choice. Angela Crocombe’s book Ethical Eating aims to teach us ‘how to make food […]