Food miles

September 9, 2008

The ‘100 Mile Diet Trial’

There is a 100 Mile Trial meeting in Melbourne at Nick Ray’s place – 33 Barkly Street, Footscray – this Thursday the 11th September. The 100 Mile diet has taken off in many places around the world with people experimenting […]
September 9, 2008

WHO Can Provide Farmgate To Supermarket Transparency?

In June there was anger in Brisbane at Winter Veg Marked Up 250% and hope that the recently released ACCC inquiry into grocery prices would clarify the situation, unfortunately it just seems to have muddied the waters. It appears the […]
August 21, 2008

US Shoppers Buy ‘Slices of Farms’ To Cut Out Middlemen

A PWF Reader travelling overseas recently discovered ‘can do’ US communities interested in food security and local economies, who have bought their own farms. Read on… An Illinois Farm Called Erehwon Last year Erehwon – Nowhere ‘Backwards’ – sold out […]
August 12, 2008

Sydney’s 100 Mile Food Bowl And Local Living Economies

The Australian has written up NSW’s Kurrajong Hills, in the Hawkesbury valley northwest of Sydney, as an ‘eat-local’ movement is helping once struggling farmers. The traditional way of life, the ‘Local Living Economy’ – as BALLE founder Judy Wicks would […]
July 29, 2008

Green Map And Sydney’s Pyrmont Sustainability Website

Today I had a phone call from a Pyrmont blogger who’d discovered PWF’s report on Australia’s first Community Owned Wind Park. His comments? “Its not everyday, that you read a story on a great community blog, and you go WOW…Why […]
July 21, 2008

100-Mile Diet Having An Effect

There seems to be a growing awareness of eating ‘sustainably’ ie foods from within 100 mile radius of your dining table. The 100 Mile Cafe in Melbourne – overlooking RMIT Uni is now one year old and seems to be […]
June 25, 2008

‘The 100-Mile Diet’ Published In Australia

In Processed Food And The 100 Mile Diet we gave a brief review of the 100-Mile Diet book by Canadians Alisa Smith and J B McKinnon. This book about a pair of Canadians ‘eating local’ for a year will be […]
March 13, 2008

Food Miles Vs Fair Trade – YOUR Choice

Today Treehugger reports on some interesting questions. Steve Brooks, the acting head of Oxfam Cymru – Oxfam in Wales – asks if should we avoid fair trade goods from the developing world to help cut down on food miles? On […]
March 3, 2008

GM Pros And Cons

Are you finding you need several science degrees to have an informed opinion these days? I have started googling the pros and cons of several issues and, on the GM debate, found, an award-wining UK website. The Foundation’s Summary […]
February 12, 2008

How SHOULD We Shop For Food?

Food Miles, the huge market power of the Coles-Woolies supermarket duopoly, and what we can do about this in our weekly food shopping, are topics being scrutinised fairly closely in some thinking parts of Melbourne – as I’m sure they […]
January 31, 2008

Why A LOCAL Green Economy? A Lead From Philadelphia…

Anyone interested in setting up a Green Map project for their region will be interested in Judy Wicks’ approach to sustainable development. Judy is a national leader in the North American local, living economies movement. A lot of us would […]
December 18, 2007

Food Miles And The Environment…

Are you buying ham or pork for Christmas? I heard Emily McIntosh from Australian Pork Producers speaking on the ABC yesterday saying that 64% of pork in our shops is imported and to support OUR pork farmers we should buy […]