People, Planet, Profit!

October 17, 2012

The Amazing Power Of Co-Ops…Largely Unrecognised?

A call to ‘disruptive capitalists and market agitators’ has been Social Business Australia’s call to action for the upcoming 2012 International Conference on Co-operatives 24-25 October at the Glasshouse, Port Macquarie, NSW. We, the general public, tend to be quite […]
October 5, 2012

International Co-operatives Conference Port Macquarie October 2012

2012 is the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives (IYC). The National Conference at Port Macquarie, 24-26 October, will see Australian co-operatives come together under the banner of an International Year to celebrate their successes and raise awareness about the […]
September 26, 2012

Disability Needs: Reminder For Tourism Businesses

The indefatigable Sheila King of has reminded us that this website is a worthwhile checkpoint for tourism businesses as well as would-be tourists with a disability. About Australia For All This website tells of accommodation, leisure and unique venues […]
September 26, 2012

DCCEE YouTube Videos Explain Carbon Price Effects

Clare Posa, from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE), has emailed us some links to help small businesses and farmers understand the carbon price and how it will affect them. You Tube Videos The DCCEE short YouTube […]
September 14, 2012

Capitalism Dead..We Must GROW Our Way Out Of Stagnation

Did you see Ticky Fullerton’s (ABC) interview with US economist Richard Duncan – author of The New Depression:The Breakdown of The Paper Money Economy – Monday night? Quite fascinating. Following is Forbes’ summary of Richard’s evaluation of where the world […]
September 12, 2012

Post Growth Institute’s Free Money Day – September 15

What is the aim of Free Money Day? To raise awareness and start conversations about the benefits of economies based on sharing, as well as offer a liberating experience to inspire more critical and creative thinking about our relationships with […]
September 12, 2012

Crowd-Funding SOME Media …For Democracy’s Sake?

Julian Burnside, respected barrister and human rights advocate probably speaks fpr a lot of us when he says: “Those of us who are torn between the desert of mainstream media and the jungle of the internet need a place where […]
August 9, 2012

New Energy Storage, Less Energy Demand = Change

Dramatic changes in demand meaning Australia needs virtually no new coal or gas baseload generation over the next decade plus the development of new water and salt-based batteries at WA’s Murdoch Uni signal change. Decreasing Demand And Growth In Small-Scale […]
August 9, 2012

An Urban Food Forest For Neighbourly Foraging!

The US city of Seattle has plans for a ‘food forest’ for the city. It wants to make blueberry picking a neighbourly activity. Permaculture And Foraging It IS great to pick food growing in a backyard and the vision of […]
August 9, 2012

Our Centralised Energy Grids At Risk?

Do energy consumers want a smart grid, or no grid at all, asks Giles Parkinson. He writes in Reneweconomy: “Very seldom do you get people who get mad as hell about electricity prices and go off grid. It simply costs […]
July 31, 2012

Government To Monitor All Our Online Activity?

A reader has alerted us to a discussion paper released by the Attorney-General’s Department suggesting that ISPs would be required to store user activity online for a period of 2 years. What Is Happening? Parliament is considering new security proposals […]
July 16, 2012

Reverse Auctions For Low-Cost, Low-Emissions Energy?

Giles Parkinson of Renew Economy reports that the Grattan Institute has released a renewables policy idea to be considered – a series of reverse auctions as held in South Africa and in our ACT. Reverse Auctions – Lower Costs, Lower […]