
August 2, 2011

Green Renters…GreenChef…Good Green Results

Green Renters is a not for profit organisation for those who want to lead a responsible ‘sustainable’ existence but who are renting! It offers help by providing ‘a voice’ and resources such as a website, workshops, opportunities for discussion. It […]
August 2, 2011

Non-Physical Facebook, Twitter Activity Shrinking Brain Tissue?

Is it possible, as some research is showing, that heavy use of social media by adolescents is causing ‘mind change’ through the shrinking of brain tissue, as Oxford University neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield claims? How Would This Occur? The Baroness […]
July 13, 2011

International Motor Show: Castlemaine’s Electric Car Accepted

The ‘big boys’ of the Australian International Motor Show board initially excluded Castlemaine’s Ross Blade, Australia’s only maker of electric cars from the 2011 show. The Age’s Lawrence Money went into bat for him. WHAT Happened? Castlemaine’s Blade Electric Vehicles […]
July 12, 2011

Bushfire-Prone Households Trial Life ‘Off The Grid’

Ten Victorian property owners are trialling life with no mains electricity to reduce the risk of bushfires sparked by power-line failure. They have signed up to the ‘Remote Area Power Supply’ trial and over the past six months have been […]
July 12, 2011

Coal Seam Gas..Food..Trade With China..Democracy

Cougar Energy has been ordered to shut down its trial underground coal gasification plant near Kingaroy by the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, after traces of the cancer-causing chemical benzene were found in groundwater monitoring bores last year. […]
July 5, 2011

Change Activism – Can You Help Important Research?

We all know there are people who stand up for matters important to society and who want to make a change. Petra Meyer is a PhD Commerce candidate and her research is part of an ongoing project to develop theory […]
June 24, 2011

Community-Owned Hepburn Wind Is Generating Electricity

Hepburn Wind is Australia’s first community-owned wind farm and in central Victoria it has just begun exporting energy to the electricity grid. Congratulations! Premier’s Sustainability Award For Community Engagement There has been considerable interest in the project from universities and […]
June 21, 2011

One-On-One Communication, Technologies = Excellence In Teaching

Should we change the way teachers teach and students learn? “Unless there is change, our kids will be stuck in the dark industrialised ages.. The leaders in our schools will have to be skilled in change management,” says secondary teacher […]
June 3, 2011

Bushfire Powerline Safety Consultation Process Failing?

A central Victorian PWF reader tells us a well-meaning 2 May media release from the Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce, about community info meetings, only reached her yesterday, 1 June. She is concerned Gippsland and Mitchell Shire survivors will have been […]
May 29, 2011

‘The Economist’ On The Failure Of Australia’s Leaders

London-based global economics magazine ‘The Economist’ – has praised our successes but damned our political leaders for failing to make the most of the China boom. Survey Of Australia SOME POINTS MADE: The political leaders…are perhaps the least impressive feature […]
May 29, 2011

‘Down To Business’ Action Helping Social Entrepreneurs

World Challenge is a global competition to identify and reward people and groups that bring economic, social and environmental benefits to their local communities. It is run by the BBC World News and Newsweek, and Shell. BBC presenter and sustainable […]
May 29, 2011

Infoxchange Australia Packaged Cloud Apps For Non-Profits

Happy to pass on Infoxchange Australia advice that it is launching a ‘suite of cloud based applications aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the not-for-profit sector’. About The Cloud Apps AppPac4nfp brings together Microsoft’s cloud based CRM, collaboration […]