
December 14, 2010

‘The Mens’ Shed’ Now Online…

Mens’ Sheds aren’t as ubiquitous as Community/Neighbourhood Houses – largely a female domain – but they certainly fill a need. There are 400 Men’s Sheds around the country and some 30,000 men involved in these sheds. Thanks to a collaborative […]
December 14, 2010

A Quality FISH Leather Business In Esperance

Some fish skin IS quite thick and tough, but I was amazed to read that there is actually a successful business producing goods crafted out of fish leather – Mermaid Leather, in Esperance WA. Back in 1989 two professional fishermen, […]
December 14, 2010

Perth’s $50 Million Waste Water Trial

From Australia’s water-logged east it is interesting to see that Perth, after one of its driest years on record in their ongoing drought, is running a $50 million recycling water trial, which could mean Perth will be drinking recycled water […]
December 12, 2010

Free Speech Process Needs Rethinking

The National Times has published an article that captures what’s been worrying me about the ongoing WikiLeaks saga. It is written by Julia Gillard’s former boss, Melbourne lawyer Peter Gordon and was tweeted by Craig Thomler. “LAWYERS are used to […]
December 10, 2010

Flat Pack Bike Helmets – No Kidding!

Mandatory bike helmet laws in countries like Australia clearly create problems for bike sharing operations. Brodie McCulloch from Cycle Freo has found a flat pack bike helmet and is asking for feed back on the concept while checking out further […]
December 9, 2010

Visa 457 Versus Training And Employing Older Technicians

Post GFC skills shortages are ‘painfully obviously’ an emerging problem says Nick Greiner speaking for the mining, construction and engineering industries. “At all levels from semi-skilled upwards, the problem, certainly at Bradken [mining supplier] we are finding that it’s heading […]
November 30, 2010

‘Closing The Gap’ Through Cultural Competence?

There has been a lot of talk about what Australians can do to help ‘close the gap’ between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians says Bronwyn Lumby from the Centre For Cultural Competence Australia (CCCA) and this new Centre has started something […]
November 25, 2010

Banks, Government 2.0 And Honesty In Social Media

The numbers using social media are huge. Digital marketing people understand this, but do large institutions like banks and government? The following comments, from expert observers I have found through Twitter, could indicate a need for some of our institutional […]
November 23, 2010

WHY Wait On Disability-Friendly Home Legislation?

I have just re-read Bill Moss’s tirade about the Federal Government’s aspirational goal of having all new homes built to disability-friendly design standards by 2020 – ten years away. He called it ‘wimpish’ and a ‘legally unenforceable cop-out’ and he […]
November 21, 2010

ACF Video: Electricity Prices, Confusion And Longterm Needs

This ACF video gives a quick, straightforward picture of what’s going on with rising electricity prices, now, and what’s likely to happen in the longer term. Speakers are an expert on clean energy laws, Claire Maries, and economist Simon O’Connor, […]
November 14, 2010

‘Sustainable Architecture With Wood’ – New Timber Products

Having dabbled in art, design and building, I read with great interest this weekend about a new, renewable timber product and the new Centre for Sustainable Architecture with Wood (CSAW) at the University of Tasmania. Next year the Centre will […]
October 29, 2010

Clean Energy From Toxic Waste – With Giant Napier Grass

An Australia-China team of scientists has shown that the fast growing Giant Napier Grass can be used to cleanse contaminants from affected soils and then be converted to ethanol for transport fuel or steam for electricity production – a greenhouse-friendly […]