We hear that Zoos Victoria has recently launched a mobile phone recycling campaign aimed at gorilla conservation in West Africa. What do gorillas and mobile phones have in common? Every time your mobile phone rings, a tiny metallic ore inside […]
Umow Lai is an engineering services and sustainability consultancy and its South Yarra office fit out has just been awarded Victoria’s first 6 Star Green Office Interiors rating by the Green Building Council of Australia. The fit out shows green […]
Rachel Sullivan, writing for Ecos Magazine reports that Australian consumers are starting to understand the true cost of the food they buy…food miles is no longer a new concept, is it? Rachel cites Dr Bruce Lee of CSIRO’s Food Futures […]
PWF is pleased to pass on details about ‘A Taste Of A Positive Future’. This means enjoying dinner in beautiful NE Victoria where the popular ‘Chef’s Special Dinner’ is on again in Whitfield at the King Valley Cucina, and the […]
Greenpages has reported on the huge Copenhagen (March 10-12) interdisciplinary International Scientific Congress on Climate Change. The University of Copenhagen hosted the Congress ‘Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions’ and discussed the latest knowledge on climate within a broad […]
The City of Hobsons Bay in Victoria’s inner north-west has hosted a series of Community Wide Study Circles that will be used to inform the Council’s Employment, Education and Lifelong Learning Plan. The 3 week round of circles was followed […]
Given recent editorial comments on the Federal Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) effectively negating State and Local Government and individual efforts and possibly helping the large polluters keep on polluting, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the following […]
Social media is a term usually used to describe the collection of software that enables individuals and communities to gather, communicate, share, and in some cases collaborate or play. danah boyd’s “Social Media is Here to Stay… Now What?” at […]
I’m hoping ‘someone out there’ can point this family in the right direction? “Myself and young family live in Ryde in Sydney suburbia. We are doing renovations to our home. We are considering recycled/cob/mudbrick in our renovation, use of solar […]
John Jordan from Wild River Farmed Seafood tells us work opportunities exist on their large scale aquaculture project just outside Darwin in the NT. Wild River® employs professional, technical and casual staff and offers the opportunity for professional development and […]
This weekend The Australian wrote up two property developers – Victoria’s Daniel Grollo and Queensland’s Ian Thomas – and their social entreprenurship. Government Scheme Not The Answer “A government-sponsored scheme will not ease the housing shortage. Affordable housing requires government […]
Today The Age reports that the Victorian Government will put $100m towards a solar energy plant condemned by some of its own experts as probably doing nothing to encourage and increase the take-up of solar panels – unlike the 10 […]