
January 8, 2009

Our Policymakers DISREGARDING Successful Solar Metering Model?

WHY, WHY, WHY don’t WE here in Australia take note of success elsewhere in the world? The German solar power sector is now creating three times the number of jobs per installed megawatt as the coal fired electricity industry. Australia […]
December 23, 2008

Real Leadership, Lazy Media, Oil From Algae, Feed-In Tariff…??

Is our Government LEADING, are our journos doing the hard yards as we rocket into a new era? There is so much new research – does government/media communicate with academia? If you’re not involved in research or don’t subscribe to […]
November 29, 2008

Acacia Offers A Fresh Start And Broadband For ALL Australia

Interesting to see the reports on Acacia, a Melbourne-based consortium with several former Telstra staffers in its team being a credible candidate for the national broadband network project. The Consortium Consortium shareholders include Solomon Lew, Seek founders Paul Bassat, Andrew […]
November 27, 2008

GetUp Call To Act On Internet Censorship

Do we want a system that makes the internet up to 87% slower, more expensive, accidentally blocks up to one in 12 legitimate sites and misses the vast majority of inappropriate content? GetUp is concerned that the Government’s proposed internet […]
November 25, 2008

‘Better Place’ Electric Car Network Here In 2009?

Have you seen the reports that the ‘electric vehicle (EV) network company’ Better Place will soon enter the US market in partnership with three Californian mayors and that they are also setting up on the Australian east coast? What Will […]
October 13, 2008

The Internet, The Church, And Power To The People

Here are two totally different websites where the grassroots are using websites to act for what they believe in, bypassing ‘establishment’ inaction/power. 1. United Pilots Request the Resignation or Removal of Glenn Tilton A PWF reader pointed out this US […]
October 1, 2008

A Community-Owned Hydroelectric Scheme

A share offer for a community-owned hydroelectric scheme was recently launched in Settle, a small town in the Yorkshire dales. What The Share Offer Means Individuals, local businesses and social investors get the chance to become members of a ground […]
September 23, 2008

12 Year Old’s Nanotube Solar Cell 500 Times More Efficient

Treehugger today has an amazing story about 12 year old William Yuan, an American middle school science student, who has developed a new 3D solar cell which could seriously change the face of solar power. A 3D Nanotube Solar Cell […]
September 15, 2008

Vic Agribusiness Summit To Look At Big Issues

Victoria’s upcoming Agribusiness Summit will focus on the Big Issues & Opportunities Facing Agriculture. Witchmount Estate Winery, Melton, will host Day 1 and the All Seasons Resort, Bendigo, will host Day 2, on September 24 and 25. Agribusiness forums across […]
September 13, 2008

Corporates And Volunteering – Great Results All Around

Victoria’s Infoxchange Australia reports that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a key part of many large businesses’ contribution to building and maintaining the social fabric of the community. Some Corporate Volunteer Projects 1. The Infoxchange-led ‘Wired Community@Collingwood’ project was […]
September 1, 2008

ONE Bucket Of Water To Wash The Family Car?

Charles, the Australian inventor/manufacturer of ‘Nature’s Style Magic No Hosing Car Wash’ says his product needs only 10 – 20 litres of water for rinsing the chamois while around 250 litres is an average estimate for washing the family car. […]
September 1, 2008

Will We Buy Solar Panels At Ikea?

Ikea – the ‘cheapie’ Swedish housewares store we can’t do without – is planning to invest 50 million euros in cleantech start-ups with the with the goal of eventually selling solar panels, smart meters and other technology in its stores. […]