
July 8, 2008

For And Against Garnaut’s Draft

The conversation we have to have has certainly kicked off. Listening to the passion and divergent opinions on an ‘extreme future’ you have to wonder if we’ll ever agree, especially given “Australia emits less than 1.5% of global greenhouse gases, […]
July 2, 2008

Hydrogen Fuel Cells For Honda, Toyota And London Cabs

July’s free Fuel Cell Technology Update announces a Fuel Cell blog, at and passes on the latest on progress in this field. What Is A Fuel Cell? A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen […]
July 1, 2008

High Octane Fuel From Algae Within 18 Months?

How? Check out this US film clip sent to PWF this week…amazing stuff to a non-scientific mind. Coincidentally this weekend’s Australian newspaper published a section on Sustainable Investment (29-30 June 2008) reporting: “An Australian Company may be the first in […]
June 26, 2008

An Eco-Alternative To Bottled Water

Clearwater Filter Systems’ Sales Manager Tom Cannard called us about our Bottled Water Responsible For Huge Emissions article and he’s sent us some info about Clearwater Systems. They have a clever slogan… H2-Know. Do the green thing, switch to the […]
June 20, 2008

Electric Bikes – 10 Questions

PWF has been following the large number of comments on the electric bike posts (Electric bike ‘limits’… can we change the law?, Legislation to increase electric bike power? and 300W electric bikes? An update on the legislative process) with interest. […]
June 14, 2008

“We Are Entering The Generation Of A Seniors’ World…”

Mary Newton runs the Non-Profit Seniors’ Lookout Centre that addresses social isolation and encourages independence and self-reliance by teaching seniors how to use computers so they can connect with other seniors, increase their participation in community/family life and keep well […]
June 3, 2008

Meeting Petroleum Needs With WWII Technology?

The Australian newspaper reports today that a $2 billion coal project to turn brown coal into urea is to be launched in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley. Apparently every year Australia imports 550,000 barrels of oil a day and 1.3 million tonnes, […]
May 23, 2008

Using Greywater To Save Fresh Water

‘Bringing green mainstream’ is what is all about. This week their newsletter asks if people realise that about 60% of total waste water produced by the average household can be safely re-used around the house? Kristen Barker writes: “What […]
May 20, 2008

Buderim Ginger – Eco-Efficiency AND Greater Flavour

After receiving a State Government grant of $45,960 last year to make its Yandina plants eco-efficient, Queensland’s Buderim Ginger factory is slashing water use by 35 megalitres, saving $200,000 a year in energy bills and reducing the volume of waste […]
May 19, 2008

First 5 Star Green Building In Tas…BUT Some Concerns

The $25 million Hydro Tasmania Consulting building – part of Prudentia Investments and Harvey Norman Limited’s Cambridge Park retail development near Hobart – has been recognised as national excellence in office design. This design excellence plus the environmental initiatives and […]
May 5, 2008

Bendigo Bank’s 5 Star Green Building In Regional Australia

Well done Bendigo Bank! We see their new head office building in the Bendigo CBD is the first 5 Star Greenstar building a regional Australian city. About The Building The main building is of 6 storeys – ground, car park […]
April 6, 2008

Brisbane Connecting Up Conference 19-20 May: Great Line-Up

This year’s fifth Connecting Up conference ‘Online and Off to the Future for Nonprofits!’ will bring together people, information and stories about how innovative community and nonprofit sectors are using technology to change their worlds, whether it be a neighbourhood […]