
November 17, 2007

Investment Needed For Oil-Mallee Harvester

Times have changed since early 2006 when PWF wrote about WA’s mallee eucalypts being good for producing oil, electricity and burning biomass, with the challenge for Narrogin’s Integrated Wood Processing (IWP) bio-energy plant being to prove that the technology exists […]
October 31, 2007

Wimmera Biodiesel Opportunity For Farmers

Wimmera Biodiesel is currently building a plant at Kaniva, in western Victoria. It will produce biodiesel from mustard seed, canola seed and tallow. The plant is expected to be on line by February ’08 and they’re holding an Open Day […]
October 30, 2007

Water And Schools – SA 25% Reduction; Water Wise in Vic.

Students and teachers have worked hard in SA’s 602 State schools to slash water use from 5.06m kilolitres in 2000-01 to 3.8m kilolitres in 2005-06 – a 25% reduction, which is the equivalent of 1200 Olympic-sized swimming pools of water. […]
October 29, 2007

WHEN Will We Get A SENSIBLE Broadband Policy?

I have been hearing for months from one particular quarter that Australia’s broadband situation is ridiculous. Now today, Kenneth Davidson, in The Age, states that: “Neither side of the political divide has yet developed a sensible broadband policy…Australia has a […]
October 18, 2007

Donations Build ICT Capacity For Nonprofit Sector

DonorTec is a software and hardware donation program for charities and nonprofits. Community Information Strategies Australia (CISA) operates the program, which has saved Australian non-profit organisations over $10 million in just over six months. Key Donors The program is […]
October 11, 2007

Retriever And Sydney Water’s ‘Love Your Garden’ Program

Retriever Communications, working in cooperation with Sydney Water, has released a You Tube video about the field inspection program – Love Your Garden. Each garden has its own watering needs and these can now be assessed to reduce water ‘wasted’ […]
October 8, 2007

Toyota, GM, Hyundai…Hydrogen Fuel Cells Update

There IS progress with the development of fuel cells. For really good, clear info and what you can do to help visit or email for their newsletter. Following is a tiny bit of what is being reported around […]
September 13, 2007

A Nimbin ebike – competitive with a car on hills

PWF has just been contacted by Peter from the Rainbow Power Company in Nimbin, about how, with the right equipment and the gearing, the 200W power limit on electric bikes be ‘more acceptable’ in terms of hill climbing. Rainbow provides […]
September 12, 2007

Inland Saline Aquaculture News And Success

With over 2.5 million hectares of salt affected land in Australia, there has been considerable interest in using salinised land and water resources to cultivate marine and estuarine finfish. The WA Maritime Training Centre in Fremantle has been investigating the […]
August 22, 2007

Ranking ‘new’ fuels from best to worst…

In today’s e-newsletter Co-op America – economic action for a just and sustainable planet gives a good run down on ‘new’ fuels. It’s interesting reading – let’s know your opinion? They say: “Some (new fuels) are nearly as bad as […]
August 20, 2007

Emerging business opportunities in renewable energy

A national conference in Bendigo, Victoria, 16-18 September 2007, will outline the growth ahead for the renewable energy sector. Renewable Energy and Regional Australia – who aim to create local economic development opportunities – will identify emerging business opportunities in […]
August 17, 2007

Broadband, Political Will And Community-Wide Dialogue…

“Australia has all but lost the race to develop really fast broadband in the Asia Pacific,” says Leith Campbell British telecommunications expert. “While Asian countries are burning up the telecommunications roads, Australia appears to be fiddling…the political will to invest […]