Can anyone help with WHERE to go for this sort of advice? Is there a government department or private organisation that helps out with this awful situation? I felt just devastated when I read this comment on Skilled Migrants Finding Work:
“I have moved into Australia just a year ago on a spouse visa. I have been looking for an appropriate job since then… when I contact an organisation for any role the answer is either I am under or over qualifield for the role. One would expect some kind of guidance on what kind of roles one could apply for in such situations.
I have worked for over 8 years in Mumbai, India in the communication, events & media line and here when you dont get the job according to your skills it just gets frustrating…
The place is beautiful but when you feel that your skill is rotting & you are of no use or you are not contributing to your family it just gets to you!!!
Are there any specific places that guide on what is the right option where ones skills can be put to right use… because if the skill are put to use in the right place the benfit will be for both… the company (in turn the govt) & me!”
If you have any ideas please get in touch…
Most state governments have an agency to help migrants settle and locate work. Alternatively try a TAFE course aimed at Overseas Qualified Professioanls that includes a work placement. This can help break that horrid cycle of ‘no local experience’. Friends who have been in similiar situations can be great sources of advice.
Thanks Caz – will follow this up.
It might also be worth trying your closest Migrant Resource Centre – they are often Job Networks and as such have a role to help people find work.
Jobsearch is one of Australian’s largest online job boards allowing people to search for job vacancies across Australia. People looking for work or a career change or training course can use jobsearch. Employers looking for staff can post their vacancies for free.
Contact Ph 131715
hope this is help
Good Luck