Check out A Current Affair’s video clip on the chemical cocktail you may be drinking as breakfast juice.
Nutritionists, Australian citrus farmers and a local juice producer – Nudie – give advice on the numbers to watch out for on fruit juice labels labels, the chemicals they indicate, what side effects they can cause.
I think I’ll be drinking the juice from those nice round, containers!
Thanks for this tweet Lane
This report shows an especially vile aspect of global trade. Does the Food & Drug Adminstration have any teeth at all or just paying lip service to the Act?
With regards to this article, we have to be careful how we interpret the message. Is this article a health warning, or is it anti import propaganda. If it purely a warning on how its ingredients can harm our health, then it should be “shouted from the roof tops” and everyone possible should be alerted to these dangers. However, I suspect that it is driven by the anti import, protectionist ideology, which, when examined is hypocritical and ultimately bad for our economy. Let me explain. Imagine that every country that Australia exports to subscribed to this ideology, and closed its doors to Australian produce. Imagine then how a producing country like Australia with a mere population of 22million people would consume this production. It just could not be done. Hence mass overproduction leading to producers becoming non-viable, which in turn leads to more and more unemployment, and ultimately the death of most of our export based industries. Think about it!
I have personally experienced the following, which if any reader saw, they would equally never buy, and never consume any “reconstituted” juice.
I was a security guard many years ago on the Sydney Waterfront. Warfies were using fork lift trucks to remove pallets of 44 gallon drums, containing juice concentrate. On three occasions the fork lift penetrated a drum, and discharged the most disgusting, sticky, sludge called “orange juice”. I now grow oranges on a hobby farm, I will leave Tony to continue to consume the imported rubbish, I would urge every-one else to read the label, and continue to believe fresh is best.
In view of a long history of poor journalism and concocted stories, I will not watch ACA.