
October 15, 2008

What’s Wrong With Lamb? Climate Change Complexity…

David Graham is worried about farming sustainability. The founder of the ‘Farmer Dave Free Range Lambs’ label – – he is a new breed of meat producer, taking control of their supply chain, from paddock to plate. More and […]
October 13, 2008

The Internet, The Church, And Power To The People

Here are two totally different websites where the grassroots are using websites to act for what they believe in, bypassing ‘establishment’ inaction/power. 1. United Pilots Request the Resignation or Removal of Glenn Tilton A PWF reader pointed out this US […]
October 7, 2008

Belief A Green Collar Economy Can Bail Us Out

The Canberra Times has re-published a New York Times ‘aspirational article’ by Tom Friedman who writes about the legacies of several boom and bust bubbles: The 19th century American railroad boom and bust – leaving America with a fabulous infrastructure […]
September 26, 2008

International Indigenous Tourism Promo & WA Focus on Aboriginal Employment

Applications are now open for the G’ Day USA: Australia Week & Toronto Roadshow 2009 which will run from the 14th to the 29th January 2009. A special edition of the Indigenous Tourism Australia Newsletter 2008/4 reports that Aden Ridgeway […]
September 26, 2008

Hospitality Opportunities At Opal House, Quilpie

The Mckays are an Opal mining family and Sharyn McKay has written to PWF about her life in Quilpie, western Queensland, explaining that hers is a Christian family that ‘lives, works and schools’ at Opal House, Quilpie. They used to […]
September 22, 2008

GetUp’s Murray-Darling Campaign

FYI here are the details on GetUp’s effort to help save the Murray-Darling: Buy Me A River campaign ” The Murray-Darling is at breaking point – literally dying of thirst. The Murray-Darling Basin accounts for over 40% of Australia’s agricultural […]
September 22, 2008

Advice For Skilled Migrants On Finding A Job?

Can anyone help with WHERE to go for this sort of advice? Is there a government department or private organisation that helps out with this awful situation? I felt just devastated when I read this comment on Skilled Migrants Finding […]
September 16, 2008

Interesting Regional Tourism News…

The following articles in Victoria’s Wellington Shire tourism newsletter caught my eye… TOURISM CANDIDATES FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT – HAVE A GO ! One of the great challenges confronting tourism in Victoria is the general lack of understanding and awareness by […]
September 16, 2008

Ethical Eating Saves Money?

A reader has passed on this Sydney Morning Herald article about a new book on vegetarianism and the good environmental reasons that go with this lifestyle choice. Angela Crocombe’s book Ethical Eating aims to teach us ‘how to make food […]
September 15, 2008

Vic Agribusiness Summit To Look At Big Issues

Victoria’s upcoming Agribusiness Summit will focus on the Big Issues & Opportunities Facing Agriculture. Witchmount Estate Winery, Melton, will host Day 1 and the All Seasons Resort, Bendigo, will host Day 2, on September 24 and 25. Agribusiness forums across […]
September 10, 2008

WA Grey Nomad Farmstay Invitation

WA’s My Place Tourism tells us their farmstay properties can provide quality accommodation in return for quality work for Grey Nomads if they are visiting Western Australia. Everyone is welcome – they have ‘a long list of jobs’! Farmstay Locations […]
September 9, 2008

WHO Can Provide Farmgate To Supermarket Transparency?

In June there was anger in Brisbane at Winter Veg Marked Up 250% and hope that the recently released ACCC inquiry into grocery prices would clarify the situation, unfortunately it just seems to have muddied the waters. It appears the […]