
November 6, 2012

Insufficient Research Into Wind Turbine Effects?

This week, The Australian’s environment editor, Graham Lloyd,
November 6, 2012

Household Rooftop Solar To Impact 2013 Election?

Rooftop solar panels are now a political issue according to some fascinating analysis from Giles Parkinson of RenewEconomy. A series of surveys and postcode analysis have shown that Australians have one of the highest numbers of small scale solar PV […]
November 6, 2012

Twitter And The Truth…Interesting Stuff

David Livingstone Smith, a philosophy professor at the University of New England, Maine, believes online resources like Twitter and Facebook are actually helping define the truth more quickly than ever before. David, author of the book ‘Why We Lie, says: […]
November 6, 2012

Other Grey Nomads Travelling North?

Kim has emailed us in the search for some like-minded people who may like to travel north next year. She writes: “I am 64 years old, very fit and can look after myself in most situations. I have a caravan […]
November 5, 2012

VW’s ‘Chinese Tiny Car’ – 258mpg – $600US

An email received yesterday tells me that next year China will launch a tiny’ single seater car that does 258 miles to the gallon and will cost 4000 Yuan – $600 US. Produced by Volkswagen, the initial objective was to […]
October 31, 2012

‘TWIMBYs’ – Turbines Wanted In My Backyard

I read a new term in Renew Economy today: ‘TWIMBYs’- turbines wanted in my backyard! Nearly two years ago the Victorian Baillieu Government was elected on a platform based partly – where renewables were concerned – on NIMBYism. However… Interest […]
October 26, 2012

Research That Matters – Can You Support The Australia Institute?

The Australia Institute (TAI) is an independent Think Tank. It aims to push public debate beyond the simplistic question of whether markets or governments have all the answers to more important questions: When does government need to intervene in the […]
October 26, 2012

Food Security – Some Info On Asian Investment In Australia

Chinese investment in Australia is being widely discussed though foreign investment in our agriculture and food companies has been going on for decades, historically coming from the US and the UK. This has changed. I hear New Zealand owns a […]
October 26, 2012

Electric Cars, WATER-Powered Cars..Where are they?

Is the world mad? Think of the pollution caused by our gas guzzlers then watch this slideshow says GoGreen Rao. His January 2012 compilation of what has happened to non-petrol using vehicles I found quite astounding and certainly worth a […]
October 26, 2012

Richard Branson: Technology Will Keep Changing The World…

After experiencing some ‘ho-hum’ attitudes towards social media in community development, I was interested to hear Richard Branson say that: “Anyone who thinks new technology isn’t going to keep changing the world has got their head in the sand.” In […]
October 22, 2012

How Accessible To Fraud Is The Chip In Your Credit Card?

After being warned by a friend to beware of the WiFi Signal Icon on credit cards and electronic pickpocketing, I checked with who say that the ability to ‘read’ your card is not as simple as the video indicates […]
October 22, 2012

Bill Gates Funding Algae Farming – Crops Here Too?

Australian farmers are being encouraged to embrace algae crops. Algae are easy to grow. They grow fast, they consume CO2 and they make oil. Marc Gunther, contributing editor of Fortune, a senior writer at and a blogger at, […]