People, Planet, Profit!

November 26, 2006

In a ‘can do community’ pigs will fly…..

It seems in a ‘can do community’ pigs will fly in circles…..True or False? TRUE! So what’s all this about? In 2002-3, when the Pigs Will Fly project was a few vague ideas, it went under the name ‘Can Do […]
November 21, 2006

What concerns young Australians today

Family conflict, alcohol & other drugs, body image: 3 major concerns Mission Australia’s fifth “National Survey (pdf) of Young Australians” has had a response from over 14,700 young people, aged 11-24 (95% between 11-19). They were asked to rank 12 […]
September 14, 2006

Merino socks ‘sustainably brand’ Tassie in the US

Best socks ON the planet, best socks FOR the planet help Tassie tourism Tassie’s latest Tourism Talk Newsletter tells how EcoMerino socks have become part of an initiative to raise awareness of Tasmania in North America as a holiday destination. […]
June 26, 2006

Treating employees well important to consumers!

US Survey rocks established beliefs on CSR I was really interested to read – in ProBono’s latest newsletter – about a new US opinion survey. Contrary to what has been generally accepted to date, nearly one in two American consumers […]
January 14, 2006

Make the connection

The big players, the grassroots and the triple bottom line? making the connection! On 1-2 May 2006 PWF will be running this Workshop in Adelaide at the third CISA (Community Information Systems Australia) conference: Connecting Up 06. We are collecting […]
October 5, 2005

Local Government Tourism Health Check

Tourism Alliance Victoria has completed its second local government tourism health check. Building on the first round in 2002, the 2005 research showed an increase in the median tourism investment of local councils to $365,215. On average Councils spend 0.89% […]
November 19, 2004

A piece of yellow notepaper & sustainable community advancement

Frustration with a system where grassroots groups ‘reinvent the wheel’ and, inevitably, waste scarce resources, often surfaces when community workers get round a table. This fragmented system of hardworking community people, from both public and private sectors, does not make […]