
August 29, 2010

Democracy Evolving? In New Zealand AND Australia?

After being buoyed by Australian post-election ‘let’s improve the democracy discussions’ I see the NZ Opposition is braving the twittersphere inviting open discussion on new policies, espousing transparency and an opening up of the public sector, just like our Australian […]
August 25, 2010

Oil-Eating Microbe Discovered In Gulf Of Mexico

Have you seen the reports about an oil-eating microbe that scientists have found ‘flourishing’ in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil rig explosion? Terry Hazen, researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, reported the finding in […]
August 10, 2010

CERES Sustainable Home Workshops: Sept – Nov 2010

CERES, Melbourne’s award-winning Community Environment Park in Brunswick is running a new series of Sustainable Home Workshops Saturday afternoons 1.30pm-3.30pm. They will focus on reducing our environmental impact at home, for example: Insulation and Glazing Green Cleaning Buying Green Living […]
August 3, 2010

Twitter, Stephen Fry, Public Interest Journalism & The Future?

The London Evening Standard’s Lucy Tobin reports that although Twitter has not as yet worked out how to make ‘serious money’ it appears British TV star Stephen Fry has. You may have heard Stephen’s interview defending the modern digital age […]
July 30, 2010

Screening For Bowel Cancer Will Save Lives

Voters are being asked to contact their federal MPs about the next Australian government making regular bowel cancer screening free for all Australians over 50. 5 million people are missing out on a potentially life-saving test – no more delays […]
July 22, 2010

Confusion Over Change To ‘Green Start’ From Green Loans..

Minister Penny Wong has announced an overhaul for the troubled Green Loans program. A new grants-based Greens Start program will be rolled out in response to flaws detected. “The new program will be conducted in two stages. Stage one will […]
July 5, 2010

A Plan/Political Will For 100% Renewable Energy By 2020?

It is technically feasible and affordable to replace all fossil fuel electricity with 100% renewable energy given the willpower and commitment to do so. A plan to do this has been developed and will be launched in Melbourne on 14 […]
June 29, 2010

Zero Waste SA – A Reverse Vending Machine Trial

South Australia has announced trials of ‘reverse vending machines’ (RVM), where can and bottle collectors can put their cans and bottles into a ‘hole in the wall’ for a return of their 10c deposit. About RVM Technology RVMs are common […]
June 23, 2010

Can US Biotech Companies Block GE Food Labelling In Australia?

The True Food Network is reporting that US biotech companies are lobbying to stop the Australian Government from labelling genetically engineered (GE) products, on the basis that this would be ‘an undue restriction on trade with the US’. The Trans […]
June 18, 2010

Tom Peters: Oil, $Trillions, And Man’s ‘Rationality’

Tom Peters, American business management/problem solving guru and best-selling author, born in 1942, tweets now. The
June 8, 2010

Why Waste A Great Resource…Any Camel Dairy Investors?

Four years ago PWF asked if camel milk might be a business opportunity for Indigenous communities and if there were any entrepreneurs interested in ‘farming’ some of our 600,000 feral camels. Queensland camel expert Paddy McHugh and an Israeli camel […]
June 2, 2010

The Future? City Complex Powered By Clean Energy Fuel Cell

Last week a 400-kilowatt fuel cell arrived in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. This very big black box will become the largest stand-alone clean-energy generator in an apartment complex anywhere in the world. There was a big welcoming committee of public […]