Food miles

July 28, 2010

A HUGE Green & Community Directory – Blue’s Green Mate

Paul has contacted PWF to introduce a brand new, very comprehensive, green and community resource. The Blue’s Green Mate website is a forum, directory and news outlet – with news feeds from Alternative Energy News, The UK Guardian-Environment, The Independent-Green […]
July 16, 2010

Two Year Old Fruit Juice is ‘Fresh’?

There’s a called new website ‘Truth In Labelling’ established by Senator Nick Xenophon and the Citrus Reform Association. The website has been donated by concerned growers from the Citrus Reform Association and web design company, Muscle Online. The Rationale “The […]
July 12, 2010

Food Labelling Inaction: ‘TOO DIFFICULT’ For Major Retailers

The Weekly Times is reporting a situation where Chinese mushrooms with potential health risks have been sold in Australia labelled ‘Packed in Melbourne’. It seems Labor and the Libs are doing nothing about tougher country-of-origin labelling as major retailers are […]
June 23, 2010

Can US Biotech Companies Block GE Food Labelling In Australia?

The True Food Network is reporting that US biotech companies are lobbying to stop the Australian Government from labelling genetically engineered (GE) products, on the basis that this would be ‘an undue restriction on trade with the US’. The Trans […]
June 21, 2010

Victorian Urban Sprawl/Green Wedge Destruction Protest

Tomorrow, 22 June 2010, Protectors of Public Lands Victoria (PPL Vic), the Green Wedges Coalition and Planning Backlash will hold a protest rally at 12.45 for a 1pm start on the steps of Parliament to say ‘No’ to VC67 Planning […]
June 3, 2010

Farmers Markets, City Farms, Community Gardens/Kitchens..

Connecting Up Australia has provided a short list of South Australian Farmers’ Markets in their SA Community e-news and they’re asking for info about about Community Kitchens in SA. Connecting Up provides community services and events information and is a […]
May 23, 2010

Land-Use Planning, Urban Food Production – Melbourne Forum

Food For All is a VicHealth project. The learnings of this program will be shared at ‘Making The Difference’, a practical, thought-provoking forum to be held on 25 June at Flemington Racecourse 9-3.30. Over the past five years eight Victorian […]
May 17, 2010

Big Tobacco Lessons-Big Food Faces The Toronto Charter

Social epidemiology is “the study of how social interactions—social norms, laws, institutions, conventia, social conditions and behavior—affect the health of populations” On 6 May in Toronto, Canada, the 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health had as its […]
May 3, 2010

Advice On Conquering Seasonality And That Veggie Box

This week in her Village Futures Food newsletter Natalie talks about how to tackle the weekly box of seasonal produce. Natalie’s Thoughts “Whilst we have been enjoying our fresh and tasty produce from Nature’s Grove there have been some challenges […]
April 19, 2010

Food Security, Local Government And Edible Public Gardens

Darebin Council in inner Melbourne is encouraging ‘sustainable food choices’. They, and Transition Darebin, part of the Transition Town network, will work together on a $75,000 plan to trial growing produce at two sites on public land and also look […]
April 16, 2010

Local Food Swap In Melbourne’s NE And Elswhere?

Happy to pass on info about the inaugural Greensborough Food Swap in Melbourne’s NE, 24 April 2010. Excess Home Grown Produce? Local Food Connect and ACES Northern Urban Agriculture Project aim to give people the opportunity to come together and […]
April 7, 2010

Fresh Is Best. What About Food Additives? Nanofoods?

Choice research tells us there are over 300 approved food additives in Australia. The food industry says they are necessary to prevent food poisoning and to extend shelf life etc while consumer advocacy groups say are unsafe. The Choice website […]